Restorative yoga is a practice of deep rest.

In today’s world we are all constantly busy, over-stimulated, with little time to rest. When we do relax we are often looking at screens or listening to music, so we are never able to switch off fully from the outside world.

Restorative yoga teaches us to take some time to be still and rest in silence. It is deep relaxation but it is not sleep!! (Sleep and relaxation are distinct physiological states.) It stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system and is very effective in reducing stress. It creates a calmer, more present mind, and has many physical and psychological benefits like lowering blood pressure, relieving insomnia, and elevating and stabilising your mood.

In a restorative yoga class we use props to support the body, in positions of ease and comfort,  to facilitate health and relaxation. The props are used to induce as much ease, comfort and support in the pose as possible, to enable us to do as little as possible!!  Restorative yoga is about opening, not stretching – we are trying not to use our muscles but relax them.

Treat yourself to a monthly session of much needed deep rest and relaxation, every last Friday of the month 6 – 7.30pm

£15 Drop in, £36 for 3 sessions.

(Class passes and monthly memberships are valid for this class)

Book Here