Mysore is the traditional way to learn Ashtanga Yoga, as taught at  the KPJAYI in Mysore, India. Students gradually learn and memorise the sequence, practicing at their own pace, with individual instruction and adjustments from the teacher as needed.  New postures are taught one by one as and when the student is ready. This method allows for students of all levels, from beginners to advanced, to quietly practice side by side in the same class. A regular commitment to Mysore style practice is the best and most rewarding way to benefit from the ashtanga system of yoga. Most students who commit to a regular Mysore practice never look back!

Our Mysore programme  currently runs every week day morning except Thursday,  6.30 – 8.30 am. Arrive anytime from 6.30 to finish by 8.30. On  Wednesday and Thursdays we have evening mysore class  6.15 – 7.45pm. There’s no morning class on full moon or new moon days.

Suitable for:  Students of ALL levels who are willing to commit to a minimum of one month (at least twice a week), however, where possible, complete beginners should attend a beginners course or an ‘intro to mysore’  workshop first. Visiting students with an existing practice are welcome to drop in.


We periodically run an ‘intro to mysore’ workshop. The next date will be Saturday 25th February 11.30am -2pm. Click HERE for full details and bookings

This workshop is for anyone who is interested in learning ashtanga yoga following this method – we will cover the basic principles, techniques and traditions integral to the practice and take you through exactly what happens in class so you feel prepared and confident to join our regular mysore classes. £25


MYSORE ETIQUETTE The following is a list things we ask students to keep in mind when attending Mysore class.

  • Let the teacher know if you are pregnant, or have any injuries.
  • Please only practice the ashtanga sequence. Don’t add variations to the sequence or extra poses unless instructed to by the teacher.
  • It is best to practice on an empty stomach.
  • You should come to class hydrated, but avoid drinking water during practice. One purpose of the practice is to create internal heat, and the water will negate that by cooling you down.
  • Personal hygiene is essential, for your own sake and for the sake of your fellow students and your teacher! Always shower BEFORE the class, wear clean clothes and regularly wash your mats.
  • Respect the quietness of the mysore room. It is a meditative space so please keep noise and chatting to a minimum.
  • Help us to keep the space clutter free by leaving your bags and clothes outside in the changing areas whenever possible. You can bring  your valuables in with you. Remember to switch your phones off!
  • Be considerate of students arriving after you and be prepared to move your mat to make space for them.  Equally, when you enter the mysore room try to do so with as little disturbance as possible to those already practicing.
  • Bring a towel. You’ll need it when you/your mat gets sweaty!
  • Please avoid wearing strong perfumes and body lotions.
  • If you are new to mysore practice, but have experience in led classes, don’t be surprised if your practice is cut back to begin with. This may happen if you haven’t yet memorised the sequence, or if you are having difficulties with some of the asanas. Committing the sequence to memory is essential! And you need to be proficient in each asana before moving on ( even if there are  postures further on in the sequence that you enjoy) This may be frustrating but please don’t take it personally – this is the way the method works, and you will be building the foundations for a more rewarding experience.
  • Always do your finishing sequence! If you are short on time, cut back on the postures, but leave enough time to finish properly.

View timetable / book online

I was never a morning person so simply getting out of bed and attending these Mysore-style sessions is an accomplishment for me. However, I always leave in high spirits and it sets me up for the rest of the day, which motivates me to keep coming to class. The practice has also given me a sense of equanimity, and has taught me to persevere through adversity. Cathy is a wonderful teacher. She is approachable, empathetic and is always very encouraging. I would highly recommend giving her classes a try! You won’t regret it! (Jordina Mah)



Morning Mysore Classes take place at  Finnieston Yoga Shala,  Argyle House (yellow building) The Hidden Lane, 1103 Argyle Street, Finnieston, Glasgow G3 8ND 

If you have any questions about Mysore please get in touch.

Email Cathy

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