Saturday 17th February 2- 4pm
Do you struggle with headstands?
Known as ‘The King of Postures’ because of its myriad health benefits headstand or ‘Sirsasana’ in Sanskrit is done as part of the ashtanga finishing sequence. It is a classic yoga pose that is practised in all schools of yoga. However it is a posture that can bring a lot of fear and trepidation to try, and there’s never enough time to work on it in a regular class!
Perhaps you’re nervous to try a headstand in class because you’re not sure of the technique, or you don’t feel you have enough strength to hold you up. Maybe you’re afraid of falling, or of hurting your neck.. these are all valid concerns but with the correct understanding you will be up and holding your headstand in no time!
This will be a fun workshop exploring the basis of headstands and other inversions and arm balances. We will walk you through the foundations necessary to achieve and maintain balance and teach you some tips and tricks to build confidence and conquer the fear of being upside down.