My Mysore Story – Francesca Pellicano
Francesca shares why she started Ashtanga Yoga, and the benefits it has brought to her life. She also shares what keeps her committed to her regular Mysore practice.
Francesca shares why she started Ashtanga Yoga, and the benefits it has brought to her life. She also shares what keeps her committed to her regular Mysore practice.
Breda has been practising Ashtanga for 4 years. Learn how she get started and what keeps her motivated to practice.
Alison shares what benefits she gets from Mysore practice, and how she got started with Ashtanga 9 years ago!
Claire shares how she got started with her Mysore practice and her favourite posture!
Katie shares her experience attending Mysore practice for the first time and her love of Urdhva Dhanurasana (backbending)!