Ashtanga for Beginners Introductory Workshop

An Ashtanga for Beginners workshop, introducing the fundamental principles, techniques, and postures of Ashtanga Yoga.

Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th April 1-3pm

Woman doing Upward Facing Dog yoga pose

Are you interested in Ashtanga Yoga but not sure where to start? 

Are you inspired by the idea of a regular practice within a welcoming community, where you receive individualised help and attention to allow you to learn properly, progress steadily and build healthy habits?

This Ashtanga for Beginners workshop is designed for anyone new to ashtanga yoga, curious to learn and wondering how to begin. Split into two sessions over one weekend, think of it as an intensive introductory course, after which you will feel confident to get stuck into our regular classes.

Course Content:

  • An introduction to the practice – its origins, methodology and philosophy .
  • An in-depth breakdown and practice of the beginning/ key postures of the sequence, including modified options
  • An explanation and exploration of the breathing technique used throughout.
  • Guidance regarding which classes to take, how they work and what to expect


The workshop content will be distributed over the two sessions roughly as follows, although there will be some crossover:

  • Day 1: Introduction, Breathing Technique, Sun Salutations, Relaxation
  • Day 2: Standing Sequence, Finishing Sequence, Opening and Closing Chants, Relaxation


Enrolment in the whole workshop is preferable, but individual sessions are possible too.

*However if you are new to Ashtanga you cannot attend the second without having done the first!*

You will complete the workshop ready to enrol in our regular programme of classes and embark on your ashtanga journey! To encourage you further we are offering our introductory monthly unlimited class pass at half price to everyone who completes the weekend workshop!

Suitable for absolutely anyone new to (or revisiting) the practice

Investment : £45

Individual Workshop: £25

Make sure to choose the correct pricing option when booking the workshop