Opening Mantra

vande gurūṇāṁ caraṇāravinde sandarśita svātma sukhāva bodhe |
niḥ-śreyase jaṅgali-kāyamāne saṁsāra hālāhala mohaśāṁtyai ||
ābāhu puruṣākāraṁ śaṁkhacakrāsi dhāriṇam |
ahasra śirasaṁ śvetaṁ praṇamāmi patañjalim ||
I bow to the lotus feet of our great teachers, who uncovers our true self and awakens happiness
Like a Shaman in the Jungle he brings total complete well-beeing.
He can even heal the most awful poision of conditioning and illusion.
The upper body of human shape, carrying a mussel horn (original tone), a discus (infinity) and a sword (power of differentiation) having 1000 bright heads, I bow to Patanjali.
Closing Mantra

svasti-prajā-bhyaḥ pari-pāla-yaṁtāṁ nyāyena mārgeṇa mahīṁ mahīśāḥ |
go-brāhmaṇebhyaḥ śubham-astu nityaṁ lokāḥ samastāḥ sukhino-bhavaṁtu ||
śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ
May the well-being of all people be protected By the powerful and mighty leaders be with law and justice.
May good success be with all cows (divinity) and scholars May all (samastah) the worlds (lokha) become (bhavantu) happy (sukhino).
peace, peace, peace